European Day of Languages

On Tuesday 26th September 2023, Birley Primary Academy celebrated European Day of Languages. The European Day of Languages is a celebration of the amazing number and variety of languages spoken across Europe. Typically, educational settings mark the event every year with a European languages day to promote language learning and to celebrate the linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe. This was no different at Birley Primary Academy, where we decided to celebrate the day through a number of fantastic events and experiences outlined below.

Firstly, we welcomed parents and careers across the academy into our classrooms at 9am so that they could experience and share a part of the day’s learning experience with their child. Whilst in the classroom, children were tasked with creating a piece of artwork of a landmark of the country assigned to their year group. These were as followed:

  • Nursery – England
  • Foundation Stage 2 – France
  • Year 1 – Spain
  • Year 2 – Greece
  • Year 3 – Germany
  • Year 4 – Italy
  • Year 5 – Portugal
  • Year 6 – Switzerland

After completing their piece of artwork with the support of a parent and carer, the focus then switched to the language learning element of the day. Children took the time to learn key words and phrases from the main language spoken in their assigned country and children were then tasked with writing key phrases around their amazing artwork.


Later in the day, a number of the assigned countries contributed to a specially crafted European Day of Languages menu. For the main meal options, children had the choice of either Italian Meatballs served in a Neapolitan Sauce, German Bavarian Quorn Hotdog or a Greek Gyros. These items were accompanied by either Spaghetti, Spanish Patatas Bravas or a Greek Salad respectively. Pudding option was French Chocolate Cake.

The day concluded with children exploring different songs and stories in different European languages as well as being provided with a range of fun activities, such as word-searches, to complete the fun-filled day at Birley.

Isobel, Year 4

“I like the menu we have on this day as we can try different foods from around the world that we wouldn’t normally get to eat.”

Noah, Year 1

“It was a very fun day and we learn about different countries. In my class, I found out all about Spain!”

Isla, Year 6

“My mum came into my class which was really good and we learned all about a new country together!”