Academy Governing Body


All academies within the Trust are governed by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and Members. The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust governance structure establishes clear lines of accountability, overview and scrutiny at three levels: The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Members; the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and its Committees; and the Academy Governing Body (AGB).

The AGB meets formally three times each year (termly) and also meets informally each term through engagement meetings. The Trusts scheme of delegation, AGB terms of reference and articles of association can be accessed by the clicking the links below. These key documents set out the function and role of the AGB.

Meet The Governors

Please find below details about this academy’s AGB membership, including the names and terms of appointment for each member.
There is also a governor information booklet where you can see who the Birley Academy Governors are and what skills and experiences they bring to the academy.

Governors Leaflet – Birley Primary Academy

Name Governor Category How Appointed Date of Appointment Term of Office AGB Attendance 2023 – 2024
Dawn McAughey Headteacher n/a n/a n/a 3/3
Helen Garratty Staff Governor (Support) Elected by Staff Term 1: 4 Jan 17
Term 2: 31 Mar 21
4 Years 3/3
Darren Ward Staff Governor (Teacher) Elected by Staff Term 1: 1 Nov 17
Term 2: 1 Nov 21
4 Years 3/3
Rachel Read-Hill Parent Governor Elected by Parents 25-Jan-22 4 Years 3/3
Mathew Jones Parent Governor Elected by Parents 11-Oct-22 4 Years 2/3
Luke Batty Parent Governor Elected by Parents 8-Mar-24 4 Years 2/2
Nicola Gregory Community Governor Appointed by Trust Term 1: 3 Dec 19
Term 2: 3 Dec 23
4 Years 3/3
Asim Abbas Co-opted Governor Appointed by trust 15 Oct 21
15 Oct 22
15 Oct 23
1 Year 1/3
Dan Tovey Co-opted Governor Appointed by Trust 11 Nov 21
11 Nov 22
11 Nov 23
1 Year 0/3
Gina Newton Community Governor Appointed by Trust Term 1: 1 Jun 17
Term 2: 1 Jun 21
Resigned 25 Sep 24 n/a


Governor Declarations of Interest

Key Information

Chair of Governors: Nicola Gregory
Contact Info: [email protected]

Safeguarding Link Governor: Rachel Read-Hill
Contact Info: [email protected]


If you are interested in joining our Academy Governing Body please contact the school office.